Hello friends, In this blog we will know about the different types of computer used all around the world. As you know that in this technical era computers plays most vital role in every field. So it is very necessary to know about the different types of the computers.Through this article I try to understand what are the Different types of Computers. So let us start to know about what are the different types of Computers that are used in different field.

 After the development of personal Computer (PC), there has been no looking back. Many new features and the properties are being included and many components are being changed to bring the best every time. Different computers even look different from each other. We can classify them into the following types:-


  • Micro computers are designed for personal use.
  • They are also called personal Computers.
  • They are small and cost effective.
  • It uses a microprocessor, graphics processing unit, network chips and memory.
  • They are found in home, offices, Schools, Shops etc.
  • Example: Cell Phone, Palm Computer, Tablet, Laptop, Desktop computer.

Let us look some of the Micro Computer in Brief:

a. LAPTOP: A laptop or Notebook is a kind of Micro Computer that can be used on  laps and easily portable. It has same hardware and software as desktop, but they are compact and lighter. These are battery operated and largely used by office employees and home users.

b. DESKTOP COMPUTERS: Desktop Computers are kept on desk or table and commonly found in schools, banks, offices, railway, airport, hospitals etc. They come with input unit (Keyboard and mouse), Output unit (monitor and printer) and processing unit (CPU).

c. PALMTOP COMPUTERS: A Palmtop is a micro-computer that fits in a palm or hand and can be carried in a pocket. It has a pen like device which is used to select options. It stores less data compared to other computer but can be easily carried everywhere.


  • Mini Computers are larger and more powerful than Micro COMPUTERS.
  • They provide higher processing speed.
  • Quite expensive as compared to Micro computers.
  • They are capable to support 4 to 200 users at a time.
  • They are commonly used in universities and big organizations.
  • Example: DEC PDP and VAX series.


  • Mainframe computers are very large and bulky.
  • They are very powerful and expensive.
  • They are capable to support more than hundreds of users at a time.
  • They are commonly found in large business organizations, universities, scientific laboratories etc.
  • Example: IBM Z series.


  • A Super Computer is more powerful and fastest computer.
  • It has many microprocessors in it to do complex work.
  • They are used in space, under sea, defence activities, satellite control etc.
  • Example: Cray XC40, Sunway TaihuLight.